As much as it sounds like a weight loss program, CarbiCrete is actually one of the next generation materials designed to achieve net zero in the building industry.
CarbiCrete is a Canadian carbon removal technology company that is developing innovative, low-cost building solutions that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Using cutting edge eco technology the process enables the production of cement-free, carbon-negative concrete.
Using a common industrial by-product, the slag from steel factories, in order to replace cement as a binding ingredient in precast concrete products as opposed to cement. The process injects CO2 into the fresh concrete to provide strength, while permanently capturing CO2 within the resulting product.
CarbiCrete’s licenses its technology to concrete makers and oversees any retrofit required to implement their process.
The process is essentially identical to that of traditional concrete making, but with CarbiCrete, cement is replaced with steel slag, which is mixed with the other materials in the standard way. In order to cure the concrete mix, it must be placed into a specialised absorption chamber into which CO2 is injected, and within 24 hours, the concrete has reached full-strength. During this carbonation process, the CO2 is permanently captured and converted into stable calcium carbonates, forming a dense structure and giving the concrete its impressive strength.
When compared to traditional cement, CarbiCrete demonstrates equivalent or better mechanical and durability properties. It has the same water absorption properties, but higher compressive strength by up to 30% and displays better freeze/thaw resistance.