Are you harbouring the thought of extending or renovating your home?
Taking the decision to design and then deliver a sizeable change to your home can be a big financial, emotional and time consuming prospect.
Make sure you have done your research before you start on your journey. I have gone through this process with clients many times and have found that there are seven very common mistakes that people make that can prove costly to correct.
We can help you eliminate these at the best time; before you begin!
1 Location - Should I extend or move home altogether?
The time has come and there's no avoiding it! Whether you are tired of coping in a small dark kitchen or have arguing overcrowded teenagers the fact is you need more space. You are now faced with a choice.. extend your home or pack up and move to a larger property.
Notwithstanding the immense upheaval and associated costs involved with upping sticks and moving on, you may be very happy in your neighbourhood and reluctant to leave the well-loved family home behind.
So you extend. Be it a simple loft conversion, a de-bungalorisation into a two storey home or an expansion of your homes footprint it will certainly add value as well as give you that much needed breathing room.
Your extension can, if done properly, be a chance to create space but to flood your home with light, redirect the natural flow through the house and generally upgrade the feel of your home.
So do your research, ask us any questions, weigh up your options, look around you, dream a little, maximise your opportunities, get a great architect and start your journey to the space you so badly need.